News Centre

Pre pack administration review: the Moorfields viewpoint

It was announced recently that the Business Secretary Vince Cable has launched an official review of pre pack administration processes. Is the review necessary? And what do business leaders and their accountants need to know about the pre-pack administration process? Phil Smith, Partner at Moorfields Corporate Recovery, offers his views.

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Risk versus reward – is it a good idea for my company to make a strong digital investment?

As high street sales continue to lose out to the online retail marketplace, businesses are increasingly seeing the merits of going digital with all or part of their operations.

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The key to effective recruiting for small firms

Recruiting the right members to your small and select team is a pivotal part of expanding your SME and ensuring that you build a strong brand reputation in your sector.

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Is my company fully aware of the latest HMRC guidelines?

There are a number of things which smaller businesses across the UK need to be fully aware of in the modern world of business.

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Spend money to make money – could a strong commitment to investment be the key to future profits?

For businesses who may be struggling, there is a conventional school of thought that the only option available is to keep a tight hold on expenditure and hope the sector picks up.

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