News Centre

Sourcing funds from alternative sources – where should I be looking?

When money becomes more and more difficult to find for your struggling business, it is vitally important that you develop the ability to source funds from alternative areas.

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Construction industry targeted in bid for economic growth

SMEs will be placed at the forefront of a brand new partnership between the government and the construction industry in a new bid to drive growth.

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How the pre-pack administration process can save your business

Pre-pack administration is often viewed by business leaders and their advisors as a last resort, to be avoided at all costs. While nobody sets out to fail in business, running into difficulty in today’s economic climate is a genuine problem for many companies.

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The importance of being proactive when it comes to payment

Chasing outstanding payment is a difficult part of working life that virtually every small business needs to accept. Whether they are big or small, keeping track of invoices that could boost the company coffers is one of the first rules of good business practice.

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What can UK SMEs do to achieve better growth prospects?

SME’s growth prospects are being hampered by a number of factors in the current climate. This includes a lack of credit availability, skills shortages and wavering consumer confidence.

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