News Centre

Intellectual property and how to protect it

At a time when the economic outlook still appears to be relatively hazy, businesses are pulling out all the stops to ensure that their portfolio of products and services stay on consumers’ radar to ensure that they avoid becoming yet another casualty of the economic downturn.

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Company assets – do you know what you have?

It is important to take stock of things every now and again in the business world. This could involve stepping back and looking at whether your employees are sufficiently motivated, or even assessing what your client turnover is.

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3 ways to free up the time of directors in your business

A director in any SME can often be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks that eat into their day. Meetings with existing or potential clients, keeping on top of paperwork and keeping an eye on payments (both in and out of the business) can often leave very few hours in a director’s day.

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Running an online business – what do I need to consider?

As the age of technology has developed at such a rapid pace over the last decade, the number of new online companies starting out has been staggering.

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How can my firm use the Funding for Lending Scheme to my advantage?

There have been a number of mixed reviews available on the relative success of the Funding for Lending Scheme. George Osborne and incoming BoE governor Mark Carney have both suggested that the scheme has attracted international acclaim recently.

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