News Centre

Disincorporation – what does a small business need to consider?

If a small business wants to disincorporate – change their legal form from a limited company to self employed status – then it is important for them to be clear on what is involved within the process.

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How late payments can affect your business

In a tough economic climate, late payments can have a significant impact on business operations, particularly when a business has few other financial resources to draw upon.

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Guide - What does the future hold for the licensed trade?

The licensed trade has suffered an incredibly difficult past few years that have left many commentators mourning the ‘death of the traditional pub’ or questioning how an industry already struggling will be able to cope in the near future. The economic squeeze caused by the recessions in the UK has accentuated a decline in sales and profits amongst licensed trade establishments that began in the 1980s, as a greater number of potential customers try to cut spending and stay at home. So what does the future hold for the licensed trade and how can the current downward trend be reversed?

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What are the 3 key points that an SME needs to consider when dealing with the HMRC?

All businesses will need to address the tax and other obligations with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) or face incurring penalties if they fail to declare or fail to pay taxes due to HMRC.

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How should lenders, landlords and LPA receivers deal with squatters?

The process of dealing with squatters is one of the most complex areas of UK law and anyone who is a property owner really needs to know the lay of the land in this regard.

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