News Centre

What are the central benefits of LPA receivership?

With the latest figures from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) revealing a mixed input for the construction sector, an increasing number of prime developments across the UK are falling into receivership under the management of Law of Property Act Receivers (LPA).

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Could investing in staff development be the best way for a struggling business to thrive?

Well-trained and well-qualified staff form one of the most important aspects of any successful business. Yet despite this the latest figures reveal that SMES are failing to provide their workforce with adequate training and development opportunities.

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SMEs receive growth boost as UK economy expands

The recent news that the UK economy grew by a total of 0.3% in the first quarter of 2013 has been welcomed by economists across the region.

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Guide - A – Z of insolvency terms

An asset is any property of value owned by a person or business. Assets can be both tangible and intangible, and both contribute towards the value of a business. While tangible assets include things like property, vehicles, shares and money in the bank, intangible assets include things like customer lists, licences and distribution agreements, a well-trained workforce and intellectual property, such as patents and copyrights.

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What are the different routes to market that a struggling business could try?

In a challenging economic environment, businesses need to explore a number of options to ensure that they can continue to thrive. One key growth strategy that can be employed by struggling businesses is to exploit the full potential of both domestic and overseas markets.

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