News Centre

Five essential steps for a successful business turnaround

Turning around the fortunes of a failing business requires careful strategic planning. Here are just a few of the areas companies may need to address in a bid to create a more positive outlook for their business.

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How to improve your business cash flow

Good cash flow forms an integral part of a successful business, as without it businesses can quickly struggle to maintain the running of their day-to-day operations. Find out how to improve your business cash flow.

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3 key steps towards achieving a successful and sustainable restructure

Restructuring can be a difficult time in the life cycle of a business and securing advice from professionals in the early stages of this process can help to ensure that the needs of all parties concerned, including employees and investors, are sufficiently addressed.

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My business is struggling - what are the common mistakes I need to avoid?

Against a backdrop of economic uncertainty, many businesses in the UK may be struggling to align their income with their expenditure and hopes that the Bank of the England’s (BoE) £60 billion Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) would boost the supply of credit to businesses in the UK have recently been dashed.

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Who are the key figures involved in turning a business around

When it becomes clear that your business may be struggling within the unstable financial climate, it is particularly important to act quickly and decisively.

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