News Centre

Small firms voice concerns over Living Wage rises

Uncertain economic conditions should delay the implementation of forthcoming rises to the National Living Wage, small businesses have claimed.

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Directors up loan payments to support UK’s ailing small construction firms

Small construction firms are increasingly reliant on their directors to plug funding gaps in the wake of stricter bank lending criteria, according to new research.

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Absenteeism impacts SME profits and productivity

The majority of the nation’s small businesses have lamented high absenteeism rates, claiming that it is influencing both their profits and their productivity.

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West Midlands firms continue to face rising insolvency risk

Businesses in the West Midlands are more at risk of insolvency than they were at the turn of the year, according to the region’s branch of trade and restructuring body R3.

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UK small businesses hit hard by cyber-attacks

The UK’s small and medium sized businesses are not taking sufficient action to protect themselves from a rising number of cyber-attacks, new research claims.

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