News Centre

Accessing working capital tough for UK small businesses

Having working capital available is an essential part of any business, especially when it comes to having the finances to drive growth.

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Insolvency Service aims to increase returns for creditors

The Government has focused on returning greater funds to creditors when dealing with the winding up of struggling firms.

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Insolvency risk rises for North West businesses

More North West businesses are at risk of insolvency than at the turn of the year, as many struggle to overcome economic and political uncertainty, new research shows.

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Masco Limited Liquidators near an agreement to allow a continued supply of Kymco Motorcyles to the UK

Joint Liquidators Simon Thomas and Nicholas O’Reilly of Moorfields Advisory Limited have issued the following statement:

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Leading Restructuring and Insolvency experts Moorfields Advisory appointed Administrators over bespoke high-end tailors

Simon Thomas and Arron Kendall of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields Advisory, have been appointed joint administrators over high-end tailor English Cut Limited on 31st July 2017.

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