Business Insights

Retail essentials – research highlights what businesses need to succeed

Technology is leading the way when it comes to transforming the retail shopping experience, indicating that businesses need to invest to succeed.

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Conquering social media for business success

Some firms can pour a great deal of money into marketing campaigns without ever tasting success – it’s the way business works and it’s widely accepted as a risk worth taking.

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Is your business struggling? Here’s what to consider

If serious financial difficulties present themselves, most businesses will need to act quickly to overcome the challenges faced.

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What’s in a name? Why naming a business is so important

The decision over what to name a business is of vital importance in the long-run as it could play a major role in whether or not a firm is successful.

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Low carbon SME exporting hindered by lack of funding

Small businesses in the UK are at the heart of a low carbon boom, but new analysis suggests they are being held short of their potential due to a lack of available funding.

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