Business Insights

Small companies remain concerned by levels of late payments

Small businesses in the UK remain concerned with late payments and financial issues, despite the economy showing signs of major recovery, according to new research.

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Strength of the pound impacting UK exports

The UK’s SMEs are turning to each other to fuel the economic recovery, placing a focus on domestic trade, according to a new report.

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The important aspects of corporate simplification

Shareholders can wind up a solvent company and receive a distribution of any surplus assets using a procedure known as a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation.

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Increase in demand for financial specialists to reduce business risks

More companies in the UK are looking to hire financial professionals in 2014 compared to one year ago, according to a new survey.

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Recognising the threat of insolvency

In situations when bankruptcy, restructuring or insolvency threatens, businesses need to act quickly to find a solution.

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