Business Insights

The importance of planning ahead for an SME

In an uncertain economic climate, many SMEs could be forgiven for not thinking too far ahead. However, this is exactly what they need to do.

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What does the commercial rent arrears recovery process actually mean for businesses and landlords?

From April 2014, the Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) process will replace the common law remedy of Distress, whereby landlords can seize tenants’ possessions and sell them to recover any rent arrears.

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Saving the Great British pub

The pub industry has struggled massively in the years following the introduction of the smoking ban, while the impact of the recession has also taken its toll.

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The importance of appointing the right administrator

When businesses start to get into financial difficulty, it does not have to represent the end of the road.

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SMEs are still struggling to obtain payment – are the government doing enough to help them?

New government proposals are set to see a levy imposed on companies which fail to pay suppliers promptly, which could help towards the economy gaining some much needed momentum.

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