Business Insights

Budgeting tips for housing developments – covering the hidden costs of building big

The construction sector is showing some signs of recovery as second quarter growth continued in July.

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What are the main benefits of a pre pack administration agreement?

Since the financial crisis has impacted on so many UK businesses, an increasing amount of those in trouble have turned to the option of administration.

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The importance of building a positive online profile for your business

Every modern-day business should be aware of the power which an online profile can have in terms of building your reputation.

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How Much Has The Lending Landscape Changed For SMEs In The Last Five Years?

The last five years has been a tumultuous period for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. The financial crisis has affected all businesses regardless of size, though certain types of company have been able to respond and recover much more easily. This is partly due to the fact that larger businesses have the resources to protect themselves, the cash flow to insulate the company from temporary problems, greater insight into how to recover, and, in many cases, are also protected by ‘the too big to fail’ stigma.

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How Will Public Sector Cuts Affect Your Business?

As the Government continues to implement some of the most deep and far-reaching cuts to public service since the creation of social security, how will private sector businesses potentially be affected?

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