News Centre

Dramatic Court fee rises set to change the litigation landscape from 9 March. What effect will this have on the business world?

The recent announcement that Court fees are set to rise has much of the legal and business world talking. Is litigation doomed? Are the new fees prejudicial towards those without access to piles of cash? Moorfields provides their opinion on the impact on the market and how this might affect individuals and SMEs.

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A number of issues were raised in this morning’s article “Banks accused of being too cosy with receivers” The Time, Business, 5 March 2015

The apparent astonishment expressed by Adrian Bailey MP regarding “unregulated receivers” working in banks might seem slightly misconceived. However, similar views held by the public at large are damaging to the licensed insolvency profession.

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How non-executive directors could drive business growth

In their bid for growth and prosperity, SMEs could boost their plans for the future by appointing non-executive directors (NED’s) to oversee strategies.

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Is the greatest barrier to overseas trading a lack of understanding?

The largest barrier to small businesses trading in foreign countries is a lack of understanding of foreign markets, new research has claimed.

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Government warning for SMEs facing cyber threats

Many small businesses in the UK are failing to guard against cyber threats and are putting themselves at unnecessary risk, the Government has warned.

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