News Centre

Paul Zalkin discusses the UK’s struggling oil and gas industry

For some time there have been murmurs of trouble brewing for businesses connected to the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry and there is evidence of a notable uptick in the number of formal insolvencies across the sector. Given their proximity to the North Sea oil and gas fields, cities such as Aberdeen and Norwich rely heavily on the oil and gas industry for employment and inward investment. However, the supply chain extends across the UK so this is not an isolated regional issue.

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Fraud costing small UK companies £8bn

Small businesses in the UK are losing an average of more than £2,600 each to cases of identity theft and card fraud, research from Experian has revealed.

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How businesses can boost exports in 2015

Branching out into new markets overseas can provide a significant financial boost for small firms if done properly.

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Why companies could benefit from comparing business insurance

Business insurance is an essential requirement for most firms that want to ensure they do not face unnecessary threats to their finances.

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The importance of mobile strategies for small businesses

More small businesses than ever before are recognising the importance of mobile strategies, according to a new survey by eBay.

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