News Centre

Cutting business costs in 2014

The start of a new year can provide the perfect time to reassess business operations and to decide if there are ways of cutting some unnecessary costs.

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SMEs the target of new government project

The British Business Bank will begin its operations in 2014 as part of the government’s project to boost finance for enterprise, with SMEs the prime target.

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SMEs urged to grab slice of £2.5 billion funding pot

Small and medium sized businesses across the UK are being urged to apply for access to a new European Union funding pot.

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CBI head calls for wage growth to reflect economic growth

British companies should do everything they can to increase to increase staff wages in line with the gradual economic improvement we have seen recently, according to the head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

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Is ignorance of finance options holding SMEs back?

A recent survey into the finance choices of SMEs has revealed shocking data over where most small businesses get their funding from, claiming it is preventing them from capitalising on a lucrative future.

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