News Centre

More SMEs looking to future by stockpiling cash

Reports suggest that many of Britain’s small companies are stockpiling cash more than ever before in a bid to build up savings.

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Could a lack of tax incentives awareness be costing SMEs?

Many SMEs are unaware of long-standing tax incentives which could be limiting their prospects for growth, according to the latest data.

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Is a lack of foreign language understanding limiting SME exports?

A lack of foreign language understanding could be limiting the amount of business that SMEs are capable of completing.

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SMEs losing out over Christmas period

Three-quarters of Britain’s SMEs could miss out on Christmas cash to high street chains and online stores, according to research from Lloyds Bank.

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Moorfields Corporate Recovery wins UK Corporate Recovery Firm of the Year

Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP are pleased to announce they have been awarded UK Corporate Recovery Firm of the Year in the 2013 Finance Awards hosted by Acquisition International Magazine.

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