News Centre

Most common building regulations that are forgotten

Building regulations are a vital part of any building project and a failure to take them into account can result in massive losses for the businesses and people involved.

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Are financial concerns holding SMEs back?

Despite the onset of a recovery from the depths of a recession, it appears that many SMEs are still concerned about their financial plight.

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Embracing digital technology is central to future of SMEs

Businesses need to innovate and take advantage of the digital technologies that are available to them if they want to be successful on a global scale.

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How business restructuring can improve efficiency

Financial hardship can strike at any time following an unexpected event or dip in market activity, but it is important that companies respond to such situations.

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Key differences between receivership and administration

Insolvency is by no means a simple process and many different terminologies only add to the confusion associated with it.

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