News Centre

Could SMEs fear of debt and economy be preventing growth

SMEs are reluctant to borrow through fears of building up debt and concerns about the economy rather than because they can struggle to get access to finance, according to new data.

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Leading restructuring and insolvency experts Moorfields Corporate Recovery appointed Administrators over Blockbuster

Simon Thomas and Nick O’Reilly of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP, have today [11 November 2013] been appointed joint administrators of TS Operations Limited t/a Blockbuster.

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SMEs still lacking understanding of available finance

Plenty has been done by the government to tackle finance issues faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, but there is still scope for improvement according to the National Audit Office (NAO).

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Moorfields Corporate Recovery appoints new Partner to strengthen Specialist Service lines

Moorfields Corporate Recovery announce the appointment of Nick O’Reilly as Partner, at their London Office.

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Alternatives to Company Liquidations – what are my options?

When a company is experiencing financial difficulties and hardship, it does not necessarily have to result in liquidation.

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