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Moorfields appointed Provisional Liquidators over Data Centre in London

Shelley Bullman of leading insolvency and restructuring firm Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP was appointed Provisional Liquidator over the data company Safehosts (London) Limited on the 17 May 2013.

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What did we learn from Local Business Week?

As Local Business Week has now drawn to an end, it seems appropriate to take a look back at what the campaign has taught us about the state of local business and SMEs in the UK today. Running from the 13th – 19th May, the campaign aimed to promote local businesses in the community with the aim of both increasing the number of customers coming through their doors and providing additional help in areas that smaller businesses traditionally struggle with. The week also gave analysts an opportunity to try and establish exactly how well local businesses are doing in the current economic situation and how they may improve.

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In what circumstances will creditors support a CVA?

A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is a solution which the directors of an existing company may potentially propose if the underlying business is viable but the company has suffered from specific issues that can be remedied, perhaps an unforeseen, large bad debt. In many instances a CVA will not be feasible, particularly if the underlying business is not profitable or there are issues requiring investigation, however, where it is an appropriate strategy a CVA can be an effective rescue tool.

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David and Goliath: how the small guys can pick a fight and win in business

There are certain sectors where the big companies enjoy a monopoly that is unlikely to ever come under threat. This may be due to a lack of competition or simply a specialised and structured way of doing things, with the construction sector standing out as an example where cases of company administration mean that only the major companies have survived in many cases.

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The construction industry – the major business issues

Numerous sectors across the UK have been affected to varying degrees by the global financial crisis. The retail sector has received a great deal of recent press attention but the construction industry has also experienced a number of serious blows over the last 5 years.

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