News Centre

Are SME manufacturers entitled to be optimistic about short-term future?

SME manufacturers have endured a tough time recently, but even those who have been hit hardest by the global financial crisis appear to be optimistic about the prospects of future growth.

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How creative will retailers get in a bid to attract the consumer pound?

As things begin to look bleaker for high-street retailers, the key question is just how far are those within the industry willing to go in order to attract new customers?

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3 common mistakes that first-time entrepreneurs make

If you are considering becoming a first-time entrepreneur, it can be a period that is both exciting and scary at the same time.

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Moorfields appointed Administrators over Mental Healthcare Charity

Simon Thomas and Shelley Bullman of leading insolvency and restructuring firm Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP were appointed joint administrators of specialist healthcare charity, Mental Health Care Ltd on the 24 May 2013.

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Bootstrapped or just trapped – how to tell if your new business is failing

Starting a new business can be a really exciting time. Provided you have the necessary start-up capital and a few good contacts to help you get started, it can be a really rewarding experience in your life.

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