News Centre

Moorfields Guide to LPA Receivership

A step by step guide to a LPA Receivership

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Extreme weather top business worry for 2016

Extreme weather events have been named the top fear for businesses going into 2016. Almost a quarter (23%) of SMEs polled in Barclays’ 2016 Hopes & Fears survey listed extreme weather as a factor that they feared could have a negative impact on their businesses over the course of the next 12 months.

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Moorfields appointed Administrators over Eastbourne Property Portfolio

Property specialists Simon Thomas and Arron Kendall of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields were appointed Administrators over Freshfield Contracting Limited on 6 January 2016.

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New Living Wage to have bigger impact on northern employers

The introduction of the National Living Wage (NLW) will be felt more keenly by employers in big northern cities, according to new research.

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Moorfields rescues specialist I.T. Recruitment Firm

Simon Thomas and Nick O’Reilly of leading restructuring and insolvency firm, Moorfields were appointed Joint Administrators over Ashton Consulting (UK) Limited on 17 December 2015.

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