News Centre

US rate rise could affect UK SMEs

The US Federal Reserve has announced it is raising interest rates for the first time in a decade. Rates were increased from the range of 0% to 0.25% that had held sway for the past ten years to a new range of 0.25% to 0.5%.

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Business leaders call on taxman to cut red tape for small businesses

Adam Marshall, director of policy and external affairs at the British Chambers of Commerce, has called for the Government to cut tax administration red tape for businesses.

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Challenger banks begin meetings aimed at opening up business lending

Representatives of ten so-called ‘challenger’ banks have met with Charles Roxburgh, the Treasury’s director of financial services. The meeting is the first of a new quarterly series of meetings and a number of issues, including the continuation of the Funding for Lending scheme, capital requirements and banking surcharges are all on the agenda.

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Extreme weather events threaten small businesses

The recent flooding events in Cumbria and elsewhere have caused a lot of personal hardship. TV screens were filled with images of families and individuals hit hard by damage to property and personal belongings, but many small businesses have felt the impact too.

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Business income growth rate slows for SMEs in 2015

The incomes of smaller UK businesses have risen steeply since 2010 but the growth rate has slowed this year, a new report shows.

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