News Centre

Moorfields appointed over Student Housing Portfolio in Sheffield

Property insolvency specialists Arron Kendall and Simon Thomas of leading restructuring and insolvency firm Moorfields were appointed Administrative Receivers over Sevenhill Estates Limited on 19th November 2015.

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A quarter of SMEs operate with no business plan

A new survey by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) has found that just over a quarter (26%) of small businesses in the UK do not have a business plan.

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CBI survey reveals businesses’ biggest concerns for 2016

Two of the main concerns facing UK businesses are the introduction of the National Living Wage and a continuing skills shortage, according to a study co-published by the Confederation of British Industry.

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UK SMEs are concerned about a potential Brexit in 2016

A new survey has found that, despite a high performing year, many SMEs are still preparing themselves for a challenging start to 2016. As the year progresses, the single biggest uncertainty is the possibility of the UK leaving the European Union.

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Directors list skills shortages and access to finance as main barriers to success

A survey of young entrepreneurs working in the UK has found that the continuing skills shortage and a lack of access to finance are major concerns. The IoD 99 Network, the Institute of Directors’ network of more than 650 entrepreneurs under the age of 35, warned that these are the issues that could undermine or derail the country’s ‘start-up revolution’.

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